Innovative Units

Sanitronics has years of experience in designing and producing automatic public toilet systems for different places all over the world. Due to our modular base, we are flexible in design which allows creating the public toilet of desire. Our innovative units fit into a circular economy and a SMART City concept.

Stand-Alone Unit

Stand-Alone Unit

Units especially developed for the public environment.

Our standalone units have been especially developed for placement in the public environment. Taking into account vandalism resistance, integral accessibility, and sustainability.

Mobile Unit

Mobile Unit

Mobile units providing hygienic solutions on locations.

Mobile Sanitary Service. Our mobile units are designed to provide visitors of festivals and events the accessibility to our innovative hygienic solutions on location.

Built-in Unit

Built-in Unit

Our toilet technologies installed in existing spaces.

In addition to placing and installing toilet units in public spaces, it is also possible to have our toilet technologies installed in an existing space.

Toilet Technologies

With over 20 years of experience in public toilets, our toilet technologies have been designed around topics such as vandalism, sustainability, comfort and hygiene. Providing the highest possible service level for every type of visitor. Based on the locations and other needs we can determine the best technology.

The Revolving Toilet

The Revolving Toilet

A revolutionary innovative, self-cleaning, toilet system for the public environment. With a quick turn around time, every visitor will be able to experience a toilet that will be clean on the inside and out.

Self-cleaning toilet system.

The Automatic

The Automatic

The Automatic contains an automated cleaning system which helps to keep the toilet seat efficiently clean. Every new visitor will be served a clean and dry toilet seat at all times with the Automatic.

Self-cleaning toilet seat

Automated Public Toilet

Automated Public Toilet

The automated toilets are non self-cleaning toilets. To ensure cleaner surfaces and make the general use of the toilets as hygienic as possible the automated toilets are equipped with no-touch elements.

Automated toilet experience


In the past few years we created toilets for different clients all over Europe. All our toilets are developed and produced in our main office in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. We are more than excited to share some of our prides with you.

Automated public toilet systems for everyone, everywhere.

To fulfill our mission of creating the safest, most hygienic public toilet we do it all ourselves: from design, to production, to placement, to maintenance. All from our headquarters in Rotterdam.

  • Expert in Water Systems
  • Top 100 Most Innovative SME Companies in The Netherlands
  • Patented Technology
  • Sustainable
  • SMART City Concept

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